God Poet Transmitting.......
Last week... the first thing I noticed about the shooting of the insurance executive was the odd red herrings left in his/her/its wake. Then I noticed the... most convenient... accidentally on purpose... facial features photo-op, and then I noticed the features and... I heard 'mask' in my mind... quite distinctly. There's some kind of a put-up job going on here.
Then... out of nowhere comes this Israeli-owned and operated... rebel army in Syria. Where before such a thing was not possible, now it was a juggernaut, and unstoppable. Then I saw a hatchet job by Breitbart Mossad agent Pollard... seething with the toxic narrative about how Assad was a brutal dictator and gassed his own people... yadda yadda. When The AshkeNAZI Media doesn't like someone, they make sure you know about it... even if the crimes that person is accused of were actually planned and carried out by the owners of the people reporting on them.
Where was Russia? Pollard said that after losing 600,000 men in the Ukraine conflict, Russia was not equipped to respond; what!!! Russia hasn't even lost a hundred thousand men. Pollard switched the numbers. Ukraine has lost that many, and possibly more; the plot sickens.
Let's see... Trump wins the election. His people hit the ground running and conversations are had... far and wide. Russia agrees to let Syria go... in exchange for something else, and... that has to be the case because Russia is certainly capable of defending Syria... if it wanted to, especially against a rag-tag... cobbled-together militia army. Meanwhile... the decimated Israeli military of unwilling soy-latte... cafe-society pooftas... stands back because their most powerful force is a banker army... with bags of cash siphoned from the pockets of the people of The West.
Something... and I don't know what it is... is holding off The Iranians and their proxies. Given the provocation of genocide against The Palestinians... it must be a powerful something. Part of it is Trump incoming, but there are wheels within wheels going on here. I am not a geo-political expert, unlike so many who claim to be and are... usually... in the pay of those who dictate what they have to say.
The Fix was in with the Syrian incursion. Turkey and their latter-day Mussolini-Lite, Ti Yi Yippee Kay Yay Erdogan was heavily involved here. Erdogan... like just about every other leader in The Middle East... is deeply compromised or... hedged round in some fashion. When it comes to there being more than meets the eye, The Middle East is the poster boy for that sort of thing.
Well... what you have read so far here... is my way of saying that something is up globally and that means someone is going to get stabbed in the back soon; probably whoever is not paying attention to what is going on because... what seems to be going on is not what is going on. Even though... chances are that the latest iteration of Al Qaeda/ISIS is a proxy force owned and operated by Israel, and financed by The Deep State, which is owned and operated by Israel, so... wheels within wheels... doing donuts in what will soon be a new parking lot in The Mediterranean.
The playing fields are about to do a major shift of some kind. On the matter of dominoes soon to fall, here is an excerpt from an article at Unz. Do yourself a favor and read this article.
Well, you'll probably have to skim it. It is one of the longest articles I have ever seen.
"We haven’t precise numbers, but the historical record tells us that many millions of Chinese were kidnapped and sold as slave labor. Countless tens of thousands of Chinese were kidnapped and shipped as slave labor to North America to build the railroads and work the gold mines, to build the Panama Railway and the Panama Canal, to work the guano mines in Peru, and in many other instances. This is why we have Chinese all over the world; even today the population of Panama is more than 10% Chinese because of this. In many cases, the Chinese were not actually sold to others but used by the Jews as slave labor for their own projects. As late as 1904, Rothschild had around 65,000 Chinese kidnapped from Fujian Province to work his gold mines in South Africa. When these same Jews financed the building of the North American railroads and the Panama Canal, for example, kidnapped Chinese were the supply of free (and disposable) labor. Harsh conditions resulting in tens of thousands of deaths were irrelevant because the supply was inexhaustible. As well, there is credible evidence that Easter Island was almost totally depopulated by these same Jews who kidnapped most of the people to work the guano mines in Peru. There are letters from officials in the UK demanding that these Jews return the Easter Islanders to their home."
What's been going on for a long time, and behind the curtain mostly... is not what you are told is going on... because when you control the banks and the media, people only hear what you want them to hear. Anything you read in the media... until recently... was reported or written about... in order to implant a narrative in your head. Look into the eyes of the man at the top of the article from Unz.
Inasmuch as it is possible for me to do so, I am going to explain something about how The World is controlled; how it looks like it is controlled, and how it is actually controlled. It has to do with the ratio of light to darkness. That is where it begins, and certain souls.... they call them Rakshasas in India, and some of them are Yakshas... are the servants of The Darkness. They are... basically... demons... and demons need human forms to occupy in order to do what they do. They take up residence in people who are disposed toward what they represent.
Other souls are inhabited and/or guided (AND PROTECTED) by angels. The mass of Humanity exists in a gray area, which is... more or less... also under the direction of The Darkness.
Let's transpose the victim class in that article with the present victim class (not the ones who play the victims in TV-Life) which is... children. You probably wonder how it is that all those children could go missing and no one does anything about it. Well... there are agencies like FEMA... (who are supposed to respond to disasters but who are actually another form of disaster)... that are supposed to look after children, and... whether it is an international pedophile organization like UNICEF... or any of the government agencies... in any country that is designated to look after children... they are all staffed by pedophiles, or... employed by pedophiles because people GRAVITATE toward those areas where their appetites can be exercised... and...
... some people will do anything for money or a piece of the action. I wrote a book about these kinds of people and the main character, Ash, is a personification of a real force that is going to be making the rounds shortly.
People become police... sometimes in order to help people, but just as often in order to have a certain kind of power over others. People who are mentally ill like to work in the fields that treat those problems. People who want to kill people go into certain branches of the military or become intelligence operatives. Now... a lot of this does not go on consciously. It is a matter of the karmic programs being acted out BELOW the conscious level, and the demon kingdom is resident at that level, just as the angelic realm is operative above the conscious level, at the level of The Superconscious.
There are eternal hierarchies in place and they administer what goes on down here, and sometimes it looks like they are doing a good job and sometimes it doesn't, depending on whether life is going the way you want it to or not. Regardless... it is all under control and it always has been. These areas of influence operate above and below the sensory bandwidth, and... that is why MOST PEOPLE can't see them in action. It is also why most people can't figure out what is actually going on, especially when what you see is not what you get.
Okay... here we come to the critical point. Why isn't anyone doing anything about these millions of children? Why isn't anyone doing anything about The Killer Vaccines; the poisons in the food... the... the... the... This, That, and The Other thing? It is because all of what you see and hear about has to play out for... (drum roll) The Purpose of Demonstration. It takes time for conditions and events to get better or to worsen... depending on the investments and debts of those engaged in them.
The Usual Suspects work for The Dark Side and when The Dark Side seems to be in the ascendant... they flourish. When a kitchen or a neighborhood is left unattended... it falls into a nasty state of affairs... because of the vermin who are attracted to those conditions. Those kitchens and neighborhoods will or will not get cleaned up... depending on whether the business of everyone involved in any of them... has been completed or not.
You can whine and wring your hands all you want to, BUT... The World is The World is The World. This plane is a playing field for specific forms of action, driven by appetites and desires, by separated minds in search of personal gain. You are promoted or demoted... depending on what you do here; end... of... story! You may not like this. You may insist it is really This... That... or The Other Thing, or/and... if only this... if only that or the other thing were done, then everything would be fixed and fine, but... it never is, is it?
Think about how The President of Syria feels today (Yanukovych feels your pain), with the lying... Israeli-run media calling him a monster who gassed his own people, and other assorted lies they made up, but which definitely reflect what they do themselves... and worse, on any given day. Let's see how all the celebrants feel about Sharia Law in the days to come... those who survive the culling.
Instead of always looking for fixes, you would be best served by looking for why things are the way they are in the first place. So... conditions got fucked up... went sideways... a long time ago, and it takes a long time for them to be set right again? In fact; things get set right and wrong all the time. It's just how it goes. Best thing for you is to get on the right side of things, obey The Commandments, and then follow the rules, and then... you will get directions and further coordinates.
The Good News is that this is one of those times when things get set in order over a wider reach, and... certain Big Players go down to a lasting ignominy via global exposure, freakish twists of fate, and... various other factors.
Certain people are born with a disposition toward The Material Plane and they are born into circumstances that allow them to exercise their interests. Sometimes they are well-intentioned, and sometimes they are not. Wealth and Power corrupt... PERIOD... PERIOD... EXCLAMATION POINT!!! Yes... I am talking about The Usual Suspects.
In Times of Darkness... The General Trend favors the ill-intended. In other times it goes the other way, and over long periods of time, it shifts the one way and then the other, like a snake moving over sand. That is all going to change now. It just so happens that The Time is Now! There is nothing that can be done by the people in that UNZ article or by anyone else; word... has... come... down... and the administrator is at a certain point in his descent right now. It won't be long. It is going on NOW.
Things that got screwed up are about to get unscrewed. The missing children will stop going missing. Havoc will cease to be played... for the purpose of general confusion and chaos... so that crowd control can be maintained through a perpetuation of disorder. That is ALL going to come to an end. In order for the bad guys in that article to be brought to, a... screaming... halt, powerful individuals FROM THE SAME DEMONGRAPHIC are going to become aligned with The Force of Positive Change. It always works that way. When God wants something done, he merely sees it in The Mind's Eye and it is an accomplished reality at that level, which then precipitates down here, and he uses whoever best suits his penchant for irony.
Listen to what I am telling you and you will not become fearful and dismayed when appearances rise in terrifying aspect... which is no more than a temporary shadow... rising against the sky... before The Winds of God blow it away. In fact, it is not me telling you this. I am merely transmitting what I have been told, and... that is that everything is under control (and always will be) and... if you can use that knowledge to allow the one who is controlling all... to take control of your unruly self... then all will work out wonderfully and well. I can promise you this, and...
... one last thing. (proof of reincarnation)
End Transmission.......
Today's Song is;
(yes... I misspelled the word in the video... shit happens. Sometimes there is a reason and sometimes the reason is very hard to locate, but it is always living somewhere under an assumed name.)
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